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Friday, July 04, 2008

The New York Times editorial today goes after the "new and not improved" Barack Obama. These reports of flip-flops are greatly exaggerated—why, it's almost as if the corporate media were attempting to unfairly shoehorn a Democratic candidate into a well-established negative frame—and to whatever extent that he has shifted to the center, well, welcome to American Politics 101. Armchair Internet pundits would be well-advised to keep in mind a number of fundamental political truths:

* we just aren't Obama's target audience right now, and we need to learn to live with that;
* conservative media frames should never be embraced, even when you're Really Mad about Something Totally Important;
* and, most importantly, the point is to win so we can actually accomplish something, not to be pure and perfect or to Prove That We Were Always Right All Along.
Once we've won, and have a Democratic majority in Congress, then we can hold Obama's feet to the fire; for now, we have to fall in line and let the man do his job and get elected. That's party politics. You don't have to like it to recognize we're stuck with it.

A little pragmatism, please.