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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Earlier today, responding to my post about Earth Abides, Chris at Cynical-C asked, "What’s your favorite book that deals with a post-apocalyptic world?" There are a lot of good answers in the thread; I threw out Vonnegut's Galápagos (of course), as well as Philip K. Dick's perennially out-of-print The Penultimate Truth. (The real jewel of the thread for me was Chris's own contribution, Wikipedia's exhaustive list of apocalyptic fiction. I'm going to make use of this.)

If I were answering him now, though, I think I'd have to add that some of the best and most interesting apocalypse work I've seen lately has been in Brian Vaughan's comic Y: The Last Man. ("Best" and "most interesting," I said—not plausible or realist.) I'm about five years late to the party here, but I ran across a copy of Unmanned in a used bookstore the other day, and it's really good. Now I just need to find the rest.