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Monday, May 21, 2007

Julian Gough says your novel stinks:

The literary novel, by accepting the embrace of the universities, has moved inside the establishment and lost contact with what made it vital. It has, as a result, also lost the mass audience enjoyed by Twain and Dickens. The literary novel—born in Cervantes's prison cell, continued in cellars, bars and rented rooms by Dostoevsky, Joyce and Beckett—is now being written from on high. Not the useful height of the gods, with its sharp, gods'-eye view of all human classes, all human folly, but the distancing, merely human height of the ruling elite, just too high up to see what's happening on the street below.
What to do if your spaceship falls into a black hole.

This week, xkcd (the world's best web comic) updates every weekday.

The Absorbacon wants to take a hammer to DC continuity.