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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More on Tarantino and the extended cut of Death Proof, this time at Salon.

Weinstein held his peace at that moment, but a few minutes later, when another eastern European journalist asked why none of the fake trailers from "Grindhouse" are being shown with "Death Proof," he stepped up to the mike. "We had a great time with the whole 'Grindhouse' thing," he began, in the tones of a man not having any fun at all. "Now European audiences will get to see these new movies by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, and they'll enjoy them much more [than 'Grindhouse']. You'll see Robert Rodriguez making a true Robert Rodriguez movie, you'll see Quentin making a pure-essence Quentin movie. It's a completely different experience. They will dwarf 'Grindhouse,' trust me."

Tarantino added: "There are essentially three movies here. 'Death Proof' is its own movie and 'Terror Planet' is its own movie. Then 'Grindhouse' was something else, a full evening's entertainment." To get from his original edit of "Death Proof" to the "Grindhouse" version, he said, "we didn't cut to the bone. We cut past the bone."