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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The artist behind Dr. Strangelove Dr. Strangelove maniacally recreates scenes from the movie using ordinary household objects. The Morning News has an interview. Via Kottke.

How did the Dr. Strangelove Dr. Strangelove project begin?

I don’t have a television. When a friend dropped off a VHS version of the film to the studio, it became the only thing to watch on the monitor. In two and a half years, I watched the film over 700 times. My perception was saturated by the film, and this caused me to respond to it. You can see this among Star Wars fans that log hundreds of viewings and go on to make Storm Trooper outfits for themselves in their living rooms. It’s a need to manifest [the reality of the film] in life. That marked the beginning of the project. I began to see relationships [between] the film present and the way I was working.