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Tuesday, June 12, 2007 prepares for its highest-traffic day ever with Alan Sepinwall's exclusive post-finale interview with David Chase.

"I don't think about (a movie) much," he says. "I never say never. An idea could pop into my head where I would go, 'Wow, that would make a great movie,' but I doubt it.

"I'm not being coy," he adds. "If something appeared that really made a good 'Sopranos' movie and you could invest in it and everybody else wanted to do it, I would do it. But I think we've kind of said it and done it."
I have to agree; there's no narrative space left for a movie, which would only serve to ruin what was best about the finale. I hope he's being on the level here, though "I never say never" really does scan as almost offensively coy.