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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Somehow I missed this lengthy profile of Jonathan Lethem from earlier in the month in the Guardian, but luckily blucarbnpinwheel was there to make things right.

One of the things that stung him on his recent book tour was the number of times he was asked "Why won't you ever grow up? Where are the grown-up thoughts?" And his answer? "I don't have anything to say at all. I've just started a new book, and it's meant to be all about adults, but of course they're childish adults again - I mean, the funny thing is, I'm about to become a parent" - when we met the baby's birth was days away - "and I've had this preoccupation with parents in the books, and I felt very self-congratulatory that You Don't Love Me Yet - silly as the book might seem - was about people who were in their 20s and there are no parents and children in it at all. But I guess it still seems like a book about a kind of mental adolescence, or cultural adolescence."
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get a tattoo of a red spray-can labeled "UBIK" on my upper arm.