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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Archie Comics misguided tokenism update: Mina Lee.

A frail albino Korean girl who was the only one to see Reggie's soft side. Reggie showed a more compasionate and humble self to her and bought her a pet caiman for her. She named it Reji in honour of Reggie. Mina is very into reptiles and dreams of owning a humane menagerie when she is older. Archie once met her and he was confused as to what she saw in Reggie. Mina is very shy but quirky and interesting. Her family speaks Korean at home and she often says a few Korean pet names to Reggie (usually strange names, like "Sweet Lizard" and "Iguana Love"). She was expelled after she brought Reji to school with her and it is unknown if she will reappear.
Also via MeFi.