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Friday, August 31, 2007

My status as Private First Class in the George Saunders Army brings to my attention his new essay collection, The Braindead Megaphone, coming out next week. Here's Saunders blogging at Amazon, and here's a GYWO special Saunders edition. I'll pick this up next week and let you know how it is.

(6) The central premise of the title essay in my new book, The Braindead Megaphone, is this: Our cultural discourse is being dumbed-down by mass-media prose that is written too quickly, and therefore fails to due justice to the complexity of the world. On the other hand, prose that is revised and that the writer lives with awhile can go deeper and deeper and become more nuanced and truthful. This doesn’t happen for me in one or two or even five drafts. At the one-level draft, I don’t feel I really have much to offer. I am just: Guy, Typing.

(7) In addition, we’re being dumbed-down by people who, though claiming to be objective and curious and truth-seeking, are actually pushing a (political/corporate/financial) agenda.