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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Could the writer's strike achieve the impossible and bring about an Arrested Development movie? Jason Bateman's been teasing people about the possibility for months, but it sounds as if things could actually almost be heading somewhat in that direction, maybe:

On the other end of that phone was “AD” creator Mitchell Hurwitz, who has found himself with a lot of time to talk since Hollywood’s writers put down their pencils. “This writers strike, it’s a devil’s playground,” grinned Bateman, who has been lobbying for a big-screen “Arrested Development” ever since the show that resurrected his career died a premature death. “The guy doesn’t have anything to do.”


“[During the strike] you’re allowed to write things you’re not being paid to do,” Bateman explained, revealing almost as much as a never-nude. “I’m trying to talk [Hurwitz] into writing the ‘Arrested Development’ movie. And he could be coming around.”