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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Zogby's daily tracking poll has Edwards spiking sharply in South Carolina—probably partly on the strength of a very good performance in Monday's debate—with indications that he could even finish ahead of Clinton on Saturday.

Edwards, meanwhile, has had his second good day since the Monday night CNN debate, in which he delivered a strong performance. He hit 19% support on Tuesday alone and then 27% support on Wednesday alone. And, on Wednesday alone, he pulled ahead of Clinton overall. He has pulled ahead among whites.
This result would throw a major monkeywrench into the Clinton plan to spin away what is likely to be a big victory margin for Obama in South Carolina by claiming he only won the state on the strength on the black vote.

I welcome this greatly.

It's been a bad week for the Clinton campaign overall, I think, with way too many stories about Bill, and Obama finally just coming out and saying what everybody already knows:
Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything, and change nothing. It’s time to turn the page.
Meanwhile, as one of my commenters noticed last night, The Onion reports that Bill has decided to go ahead and run himself.