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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who has history's largest carbon footprint? Fox Sports makes the case that it's soccer's David Beckham.

The former England captain logged over 250,000 miles last year as he flew back and forth between the U.S. and Europe for England's European Championship qualifiers, while also participating in a Galaxy tour of Oceania in the latter part of the year.

Beckham and his wife Victoria also collected over 50,000 frequent flyer miles for advertising obligations around the globe.

Collectively, Beckham flew farther in 2007 than a trip from the earth to the moon.

At home, Beckham owns a fleet of 15 cars, including a Porsche, a Hummer and a Lincoln Navigator.
In other carbon footprint news, I've decided to use what remains of my personal carbon allotment to purchase Big Lebowski action figures.