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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Last word of the night should go to Al Giordano of the Field, who called nearly every state correctly tonight:

No US president in memory has won the White House without winning Missouri in his party’s primary.

With 3351 of 3371 (99.4 percent of) precincts reporting:

Obama 400,524 (49.1 percent)
Clinton 392,952 (48.1 percent)

Game over. This is the big psychological win that Obama needed tonight. Nobody (present company excepted) expected this upset.

And US Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) - this is also her victory - made her children, who pushed her off the fence post, proud tonight.

And somewhere in a country called Tennessee, a grey eminence is watching, pulling hidden weapons out of the trophy case, eyeing them, remembering the thrill of the fight, gearing up for battle.

In the immortal words of King Henry prior to the battle of Agincourt: Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more…
Thanks to Shankar for the link.