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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The wartime sketchbook of J.M., an unknown British soldier during World War I. Via MonkeyFilter.

According to the dedication contained in Book 1, the artist bound the images into two sketchbooks and presented them to his daughter, Adele, some time after the 1918 Armistice. Unfortunately we know little more about him than what appears on this dedication page. However based on that information, and on the dates of the images themselves, we do know that:

* he was a member of the Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery (the regimental crest and motto appear at the top of the page)
* he was based in France and Belgium (specifically around Ypres and Menin) between 1917-1918
* his daughter's name was Adele
* he survived the war (one of the images is dated 1920)
* his initials were JM