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Thursday, February 14, 2008

There's more speculation brewing about an Arrested Development movie—all indications are that the entire team ... would return for series mastermind Mitchell Hurwitz—but there's one problem: no one can find Franklin.

So, before the movie starts filming, Arnett hopes someone will help him locate his naked, tuneless puppet.

“He did get sold, didn’t he?” Arnett said, speculating that Franklin may have fallen victim to the show’s liquidation. “Did somebody sell him for real? That makes sense.”

“Well, I built the first one, so I’m going to have to build it again. That’s a little ‘Arrested Development’ piece of trivia,” Arnett revealed. “I made Franklin.”

Really? “No, that’s a lie,” he grinned. “How would I know how to do that?”
In other Will Arnett news, Neil has been after me for weeks to blog that G.O.B. just got canned from the new Knight Rider movie because of conflicting contracts with Ford and GM. Not coincidentally, there is now no chance I will watch the new Knight Rider movie.