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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

In response to the news that Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million before Super Tuesday, Obama's campaign manager sent this email out to his supporters:

The Clinton infusion of $5 million -- and there are reports it could end up being as much as $20 million -- will give them huge resources for the next set of primaries and caucuses.

Thanks to you, we have raised more than $3 million since the polls closed on February 5th. But we have no choice -- we must match their $5 million right now.
That was around 6 pm tonight. Since then, Obama's raised nearly $3 million, the total Clinton was hoping her supporters could help her raise over 3 days.

His total since the polls closed on February 5 (just over 24 hours now) is at right. It seems like every day something unprecedented happens.

Meanwhile, Clinton's senior staff have started to go without salary.