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Saturday, March 01, 2008

When all else fails, stick a live tooth in your eye cavity to avoid going blind.

FOR one father and son, the Biblical exhortation of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" has acquired a unique new meaning.

Rob McNichol's son -- also called Rob -- didn't think twice when the chance arose to help his dad to see again by giving him a canine tooth.

Father-of-eight Mr McNichol snr (57) was blinded in a work-place accident, when liquid aluminium exploded in his face in November 2005.


The surgery, Osteo Odonto Kerato Prosthesis (OOKP), involved fitting a living canine tooth with an optical cylinder and transplanting it into the eye cavity.
I'm not sure which Philip K. Dick novel this is from, but we're living it today. Via