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Saturday, August 09, 2008


* Climate Debate Daily, from the good (if too conservative) folks who bring you Arts & Letters Daily, is the latest addition to the ecology section of my sidebar.

* And from way back in February: the top 50 eco blogs, as ranked by the Guardian.

* 25 tips to make your apartment a green paradise.

* More from the the 55-mph wars: Nissan's new ECO pedal "presses back upward when it senses drivers are driving too quickly."

* 'Junk Mail Produces as Much CO2 as 7 States Combined.' Here's how to stop it.

* 'Prepare for global temperature rise of 4°C, warns top scientist.'

* Scientists predict that the disappearance of Arctic sea ice 'will lead to a large-scale transfer of shellfish, snails, and other animals from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic.'

* But will algal ethanol save us? Virgin Airlines says yes!