More and more evidence mounts that the McCain camp didn't actually vet Palin at all. They didn't read a single article in the Wasilla newspaper, and they didn't talk to Walt Monegan, the man at the center of her still open abuse of power ethics investigation—nor, apparently, did they talk to anyone else. They've been pushing as one of her few notable accomplishments her opposition to the "Bridge to Nowhere," which has turned out to be, well, bullshit. Nearly recalled as mayor, she left the small town of Wasilla over $20 million dollars in debt. That's after she tried to censor the town library and fire long-time town employees without cause for "not fully supporting her efforts to govern."
Oh, and her husband works for BP, one of the largest employers in Alaska, which is not in any way a conflict of interest.
And those are just the highlights. Given all this, I get a sinking feeling when I see how much attention the already ubiquitous, totally moronic baby smear is getting. Even Andrew Sullivan is pushing it now, though he's careful to hedge his bets. That's just not a basket in which I want to put Barack's eggs; it's the raw irresponsibility of John McCain's cynical and poorly thought-out VP pick—a roll of the dice from a chronic gambler—that we should be talking about, not whether a seventeen-year-old girl does or doesn't have a "baby bump" in a given photo.
The Juno/Juneau parody poster on Gawker made me laugh, but that's the only upside here. I don't think we'd want anything to do with the baby thing even if by some impossible chance it all turns out to be true.
John McCain says he made this decision because he looked into Putin's Palin's eyes the one time they met and saw a soul mate. The only thing we should be saying about Palin is that this is not the way to make the most important decision of your candidacy. The Palin pick is stone-cold proof that John McCain has neither the judgment nor the temperament to be president.
So leave her kids alone. Keep your heads on straight, netroots.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Posted by
Gerry Canavan
7:44 PM
Labels: Alaska, Andrew Sullivan, Big Oil, Bridge to Nowhere, censorship, corruption, craps, cronyism, Daily Kos, gambling, general election 2008, Internet, John McCain, libraries, nonsense, politics, Sarah Palin, veepstakes, vetting