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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Did Giuliani sink Palin's speech? Apparently Rudy was having so much fun he started improvising, going long and forcing the Republicans to cut Palin's video biography. As Kevin Drum writes, the video bios are kitschy, sappy, and highly effective—and most importantly Palin's fiery speech was written to be delivered after a hagiographic video that established her as a sympathetic and impressive figure of national stature. Without the video to bolster her, the speech came across quite differently; perhaps this, more than anything else, is why independents weren't buying.

In other words, is it possible that Rudy Giuliani's ego just saved the world?

UPDATE: TPM has the video as released to Fox News, describing it as "a glimpse into how the Republicans were planning to sell a soft-focus version of Palin's life as a soft-peddled intro into the harsh, partisan, and undeniably successful speech that followed."