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Monday, December 15, 2008


* The podcast of my appearance last night on Poli-Sci-Fi Radio is already up.

* Lots of anxiety today over Google's commitment to Net Neutrality after a report in the Wall Street Journal that they were looking to sell a "fast lane" to their services. Google denounces the report, but questions remain.

* Franken +200? So says the AP. More at First Read and TPM, which reports that optimism in the Franken camp is at very high.

* Does Harry Potter poison young minds? Richard Dawkins hates puppies and sunshine, too.

* The IEA says we're screwed starting in 2020. That's actually sort of good news; there's good reason to think we may already be screwed right now.

* Whose poetry will be read at the inauguration?

There's buzz about all sorts of names. Among them: Philip Levine, a Midwesterner whose writings are attuned to the working class; Robert Pinsky, former poet laureate who created the Favorite Poem Project; Yusef Komunyakaa, whose work is heavily influenced by jazz; U.S. Poet Laureate Kay Ryan.
* Epic collection of sci-fi ray guns.