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Monday, June 22, 2009

Via a longish interview at io9, I find that Samuel Delany is returning to science fiction (sort of) after a twenty-year break with his next book, Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders:

In a way, it's a very simple story, just about two working-class gay men, who meet when they're seventeen and nineteen, living on the coast of Georgia. They meet in 2007, and they stay together for the next 80 years, until one of them dies. Now you tell me whether that's science fiction or not. It definitely goes into the future, but on the other hand, they're absolutely out of the center of life, and things progress where they live, very very slowly. And they hear about things that are going on outside. They live on coastal part of Georgia in a little town that does go through cycles of being a semi-popular tourist spot in the summers, and then some years, nobody bothers to come at all. Eventually they move to a little island off the coast, and a little lesbian art colony starts up on the island. And they wonder if they're not being crowded out of their new home. But they're very fond of some of the people who live there, and some of the people who live there are very fond of them.
He also disappoints anyone still hoping for the sequel to Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand, saying it will probably never happen.