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Friday, June 26, 2009

Really, it's already Friday?

* Michael Jackson and SF: Michael Jackson "cameo" in Back to the Future II. (And here's a real cameo from Men in Black II.) io9 remembers Captain EO.

* At right, of course, there's a panel from Persepolis.

* NASA thinks it's solved the 1908 Tunguska mystery.

* Happy birthday to the toothbrush.

* 'How Wall Street Will Ruin the Environment': Robert Bryce at The Daily Beast slams Waxman-Markey.

In short, given its length and complexity, the cap-and-trade bill would be better named “The 2009 Lawyer-Lobbyist Full Employment Act.” Proponents are ignoring the fact that Enron (remember Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay?) desperately wanted caps on carbon dioxide because they saw huge profits in being able to trade carbon allowances. And now Congress wants to give Wall Street traders—the same pirates who helped engineer the financial meltdown—a mandate that requires a massive new trading business that has the potential to be gamed in the same way that Enron gamed the California electricity market? Hello?
* And Wired has a detailed look at swine flu hysteria, just in time for the outbreak at Duke.