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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A functional health care system in our time? Ezra Klein and Steve Benen talk about the ways in which the coming House vote on health care—now, apparently, back on—could be a "gamechanger."

It's easy to forget that this process is quite a bit closer to completion than health-care reform has ever been. Two committees in the House and one in the Senate have already voted out legislation. That's never happened before. But if a bill actually passes the House, that will be a gamechanger.

After all, that has never happened before. In 1994, Bill Clinton's plan didn't survive long enough to see a vote. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and Harry Truman weren't any luckier. Obama is likely to not only see a vote in the House, but win it. And that gives him more than just bragging rights. It will put tremendous pressure on the Senate to follow suit.