Politics Wednesday!
* Ben Smith at Politco dreams the dream: Franken '16?
* More good news: God's told Joe the Plumber not to run for office.
* But bad news: Glenn Beck guest Michael Scheuer says America's only hope is a massive terrorist attack. Don't miss Beck nodding sagely towards the end. Adam Serwer says it well:
But understand, this is not unpatriotic. You can wish all manner of horrors on this country, but as long as these horrors might serve a specific political agenda, you're not being unpatriotic. Unpatriotic is a public health-care plan. Unpatriotic is a judge modifying sub-prime mortgage loans to keep a roof over someone's head. Unpatriotic is phosphate-free detergent. Patriotic is wishing for a terrorist attack on the United States.* TPM and Washington Monthly tackle the EPA SUPPRESSION!!!!! "scandal" that's been making the rounds; turns out a hobbyist working on non-climate matters for the agency decided a memo no one asked him to write prepared in his spare time should be published alongside recommendations produced by actual experts in the field. Fox News, naturally, agrees. Inhofe (R-Jupiter) has gone further, demanding Monday a criminal investigation.
Patriotism is dead, long live patriotism.
* Also in climate news: Thomas Friedman says Waxman-Markey is very, very bad and we should support it. For what it's worth Kevin Drum agrees.