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Monday, August 13, 2007

While we're on the subject, Talking Points Memo has more about Giuliani's incompetence, including an interesting piece from last week on the real reason he insisted that the New York City command center be placed in the one location most likely to be attacked by terrorists:

The mayor was so personally focused on the siting and construction of the bunker that the city administrator who oversaw it testified in a subsequent lawsuit that "very senior officials," specifically including Giuliani, "were involved," which he said was a major difference between this and other projects.

Giuliani's office had a humidor for cigars and mementos from City Hall, including a fire horn, police hats and fire hats, as well as monogrammed towels in his bathroom. His suite was bulletproofed and he visited it often, even on weekends, bringing his girlfriend Judi Nathan there long before the relationship surfaced. He had his own elevator.
Naturally, in a world in which John Edwards gets haircuts and Hillary Clinton has cleavage, this has gone completely unreported.