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Friday, December 21, 2007

826NYC is hosting a unique fundraiser: a Scrabble for Cheaters tournament. Each team is allowed to purchase one-use cheats based on the amount of money they raised for the charity:

1. Trade out a letter—$25
2. Wheel of Fortune: buy a vowel—$50
3. Flip a letter over and make it blank—$100
4. Add 10 to any letter’s value—$150
5. Add Q, Z, or X to any word, anywhere—$200
6. Passport: play a word in any language—$250
7. Consult the dictionary for one turn—$300
8. Consult the Scrabble word list for one turn—$400
9. Reject another team’s word—$450
10. Invent a word (must have a definition)—$500
My money's on Team Hodgmoliver. (Yes, apparently it's really them.) The real question is whether or not the prices for these cheats make sense. I play a lot of Scrabble these days, and I'm pretty sure that "Flip a letter over and make it blank" is way undervalued, while "Passport" and "Consult the dictionary" are way overvalued. (Keep in mind turns are timed at two minutes.) "Reject another team's word" also makes "Invent a word" a very sticky proposition... Via Kottke.