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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Things to be outraged about this Thursday night:

* When people say the surge is working, they mean that fewer American troops are dying each month in Iraq. I'm certainly glad this is the case—but I do regret that the accompanying escalation in air strikes that has made this possible has gone so underreported.
The U.S.-led coalition dropped 1,447 bombs on Iraq last year, an average of nearly four a day, compared with 229 bombs, or about four each week, in 2006.


The greater reliance on air power has raised concerns from human rights groups, which say that 500-pound and 2,000-pound munitions threaten civilians, especially when dropped in residential neighborhoods where insurgents mix with the population. The military assures that the precision attacks are designed to minimize civilian casualties -- particularly as Petraeus's counterinsurgency strategy emphasizes moving more troops into local communities and winning over the Iraqi population -- but rights groups say bombings carry an especially high risk.
Lenin's Tomb and Matt Yglesias have more commentary, skepticism, sorrow, and distrust.

* Authorities are investigating the death of a 29-year-old Fridley man shot with a Taser by state troopers, who said he had become "uncooperative" after a rush-hour crash Tuesday evening.

* Almost 9% of money donated by Duke faculty to political campaigns went to Republicans. The rest went to Democrats, overwhelmingly Obama and Edwards. Was it really that much? Outrage!

* Bin Laden's son wants to be a peace activist. I suppose this ought to warm my heart or something, but no, it didn't work.