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Thursday, January 31, 2008

If you don't get CNN, you can catch tonight's big debate through the Internet here. Just click "Live Video"; it starts at 8 pm. I'll definitely be around; I may even liveblog it.

In the meantime, feast your spirit on a few more O-positive Super Tuesday polls (via Daily Kos):

Georgia (103 delegates)
January 22nd
41% Obama
35% Clinton

January 30th
52% Obama
35% Clinton

California (370 delegates)
January 23rd
49% Clinton
32% Obama

January 29th
43% Clinton
40% Obama

Massachusetts (121 delegates)
January 23rd
59% Clinton
22% Obama

January 28th
43% Clinton
37% Obama

September 23rd
47% Clinton
22% Obama

January 27th
40% Clinton
33% Obama

January 17th
41% Clinton
27% Obama

January 27th
40% Obama
40% Clinton

New Jersey
Quinnipac poll
January 9th
51% Clinton
17% Obama

January 22nd
49% Clinton
32% Obama

He's also inching closer in the Gallup poll...