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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Family Member of a Henchman Killed by Jack Bauer on 24 Remembers.

I suppose it would be easier to have fond memories of him if he'd had a name. It sounds terrible, but it's as if his character never really rose to the level of a name. Sometimes we'd try out "Viktor" or "Omar" or "Diego" or "Steven" or something, but nothing ever stuck. All the same, he'd respond to anything .We could have called him "Stick" and it would have been fine. Bear in mind, this is not unusual in our country. Many of us are nameless. I mean, the country itself doesn't have a name, after all. How screwed up is that? We're not Syria, we're not Russia, we're not any of the "Stans" or Mexico. What kind of country doesn't even name itself? Pretty lazy country, if you ask me. Oh sure, everyone's happy to hijack nuclear weapons and practice their icy glares and recruit secret U.S.-government accomplices, but no one can be bothered to name the country. Can anyone find us on a map? Take an afternoon, brainstorm, name the country, design a flag. Not that hard, you'd think.