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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Election results are now coming in for the day's primary and caucuses:

Louisiana (closed primary, and please note the reports of dirty tricks)

No reports yet, but the exits look good. Results are coming in now, extremely slowly. At less than 1% in, it's Barack up 49 to 37. According to CNN's exits, analyzed here, this is likely the closest match of the night. 14% in, it's Barack 54%, Clinton 37%.
...MSNBC calls it. Barack sweeps!

Nebraska (caucus)

CNN has already called it for Obama. With 74% of the precincts reporting, it's Obama 67, Clinton 33. Good numbers.

Washington (caucus)

No official call yet, but reports all day have sounded very good for Obama, with huge margins all over Seattle and elsewhere. CNN's called this one too.

With 37% reporting, it's Obama 67, Clinton 32. More very good numbers.
Meanwhile, Kansas is Huckabee country.

...and Louisiana!
...and Washington!

Has McCain been crowned too soon?