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Friday, March 28, 2008

As you can see, I've been slack blogging the last day or so—I've been catching up with other things. Here are a few Friday links to keep us busy:

* I've got a short review in the Indy of Harvey Pekar's new book on the history of Students for a Democratic Society.

* Joseph Romm of Climate Progress has an article at Salon arguing "it won't be easy but we can fix our oil and climate problems at the same time."

Thus we come to one of the biggest questions of our time: Is humanity wise enough not to pursue carbon-intensive alternative fuels, even though pretty much all of them are economically profitable at current oil prices?
Wisdom! Curses! Our one weakness!

* A judge has ruled that Wal-Mart doesn't have a trademark on the smiley face.

* Also at Boing Boing, a bed that will protect you from the terrorists.