* The Cleveland Plain Dealer doesn't like it when big-shot New Yorkers take shits on our beloved city.
* I thought I was raised in a country where we were all free to vote for the Lizard Person of our choice. I was wrong.
* By the way, it looks like Franken may actually win.
* Labor leaders like Obama's labor pick.
* "Area Woman Becomes Republican Vice Presidential Candidate." The Onion continues its Year-in-Review.
* James Howard Kunstler's "10 Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society."
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Posted by
Gerry Canavan
11:59 PM
Labels: Al Franken, Cleveland, energy, Hilda Solis, James Howard Kunstler, labor, lizard people, Minnesota, New York, Norm Coleman, Peak Oil, recounts, the Cabinet, the Senate