Wednesday, Wednesday.
* Why is Boing Boing giving valuable blog real estate to global warming denialism? I see Cory has admirably tried to push back against the guest blogger, but still. What a sad day for Boing Boing.
* Michael Bérubé just took the GRE Literature in English subject test again. And lived to tell about it.
* Rethinking plagiarism? Sorry, but this isn't that hard. Students know exactly what they're doing when they plagiarize. Turn them over to Judicial Affairs and don't think twice.
* Ten privacy settings every Facebook user should know.
* Joe the Plumber is now advising the GOP. WTFRepublicans?
* Fimoculous has found Wikipedia's list of lists of fictional things.
* The New Yorker's Hendrik Hertberg was not impressed with Obama's first inaugural. More shocking still is the unabashed anti-Hindu prejudice expressed in a demand that they be listed last in the litany of religious belief, even after hated atheists. Via Edge of the American West.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Posted by
Gerry Canavan
10:44 AM
Labels: academia, atheism, Barack Obama, climate change, Cory Doctorow, ecology, Facebook, GREs, Hendrik Hertzberg, Hinduism, inaugurations, Joe the Plumber, list of lists, literature, Michael Bérubé, pedagogy, plagiarism, politics, privacy, Republicans, Wikipedia, WTFJoeThePlumber?, WTFRepublicans?