More infodump.
* Tentherism goes even more mainstream.
* Republicans vs. America's changing demographics.
* There's another excerpt from Žižek's First as Tragedy, Then as Farce online, this time at the London Review of Books.
* Why I Am Not A Catholic: "Catholic Church Says It Will Stop Charity Work If D.C. Passes Gay Marriage Law." Steve Benen isn't above quoting the Book of Matthew over this.
* In Obama's America, people wear hats on their feet, hamburgers eat people, and criminals are tried in courts of law. I should note that Glenn Greenwald says this isn't quite the big step forward it appears to be.
* What happened after Kelo vs. City of New London?
* Fantastic Mr. Fox reviews. Oh, to live in New York.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Posted by
Gerry Canavan
12:59 AM
Labels: 1989, Barack Obama, Catholicism, charity, demographics, Fantastic Mr. Fox, gay rights, law, marriage equality, Republicans, tentherism, the Constitution, war on terror, Žižek