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Sunday, February 10, 2008

The big news tonight is Maine, which is coming in unexpectedly strong for Obama. With 44% now 59% of the precincts reporting, it's Obama 57, Clinton 42.

...the numbers haven't been updated in nearly an hour, but the AP has called Maine for Obama. 5-0! Onward to Tuesday. Here's the Baltimore Sun endorsement.

... Obama 58, Clinton 41, now with 70% in. Another blowout.


Here's a neat Google map of the results that have already come in and their intensity of support either way.

As I mentioned earlier today, this was Clinton's best chance for a win before March, so this is very bad news for her.

There are a few other interesting stories tonight, as well. First is the news that Clinton's campaign manager has resigned. (More here.) There's also more buzz surrounding Edwards—Clinton met with him in Chapel Hill today and Obama is meeting with him tomorrow. (More.) Personally, I think Edwards waited too long and that now his endorsement won't have much impact; still, I'll be glad for Obama to have it. Anxiety over mandates or no, I see no way that Edwards can endorse Clinton and retain any credibility at all, so I really don't think he will.

Meanwhile, Obama has just won a Grammy award over former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter and Case Western Reserve Purple Monkey Dishwasher E. coli University Graduation Speaker '02 Maya Angelou. And Alan Alda. Next up, an Oscar, and after that a Nobel Peace Prize can't be far behind.