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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Found on the Internet: grown-up Calvins and Hobbeses. I've seen a couple links to this one and it made me want to poke around.

That's Susie Derkins, of course.

This one, I think, is my favorite:

A few others. I found these via a Google image search, so I confess I don't know where they came from.

(original context)

This last one is less a grown-up Calvin than an updated one, but there's a similar poignance to it all the same. And I know from the file name it comes from Jim Rugg, who I published way back in Backwards City #1:

It's quite reminiscent of this better-known "end of Calvin," which I've linked before.

If you're not done yet, there's always Fight Club.

(a couple via NeilAlien and this Marvel Peanuts MeFi thread, but mostly just via Google)