The netroots blogs are already talking about a primary challenge to Specter, despite apparent party-boss promises to the contrary. Right now most of the talk centers around the Employee Free Choice Act, which Specter recently decided he opposed back when he was still trying to protect his right flank from Pat Toomey. There's been speculation that Specter's reference to EFCA in his statement earlier today referred only to voting against the bill itself, and that he'd vote to invoke cloture—but it's looking now as if he won't vote for cloture either. In that case put money on the idea of a "miraculous compromise" on EFCA that modifies the language just enough to give Specter cover to flip-flop back. A Ned-Lamont-style primary challenge backed by Labor and the netroots would otherwise be almost inevitable, Rendell's promises notwithstanding, and unlike Connecticut Pennsylvania has a "sore loser" law that would prevent a Liebermanesque run as an independent.
P.S.: Don't miss Steele's response to all this invoking the ugly specter of Arlen Specter's mama.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Posted by
Gerry Canavan
3:22 PM
Labels: 2010, Arlen Specter, Arlen Specter's Mama, bye bye fillibusters, card check, Employee Free Choice Act, Joe Lieberman, labor, Michael Steele, Ned Lamont, netroots, Pennsylvania, politics, the Senate